MaresConnect welcomes Ireland’s Draft Updated National Energy & Climate Plan (NECP) for 2021-2030

Submitted to the European Commission in December 2023, the NECP highlights Ireland’s commitment to a sustainable energy future.   We are delighted to be recognized as a vital component of Ireland’s energy evolution. MaresConnect, currently in the development phase, has recently progressed under the TYNDP 2024 application process, solidifying its position as the most realistic…

Wales: Application for a marine licence for the MaresConnect Interconnector seabed survey

12 July 2023 MaresConnect Limited has applied to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) for a licence to undertake marine surveys to inform the design and routeing of the marine cable component of the potential Interconnector. The aim of the surveys is to identify environmental and technical constraints to be incorporated into a final marine licence application.…

MaresConnect Response to SEM Committee Consultation on Compensation Arrangements for Net Transfer Capacity Reductions

5 May 2023 Emer Gerrard Commission for Regulation of Utilities Dublin and Simon O’Hare Utility Regulator Belfast MaresConnect Limited (MCL) welcomes the SEM consultation on Compensation Arrangements for Net Transfer Capacity Reductions published on 15 March 2023 (the Consultation). MaresConnect is a proposed 750MW electricity interconnector linking the power markets of Ireland (IE) and Great…

HVDC Is The New Pipeline

By Michael Barnard For decades, the world has been moving massive amounts of energy around using steel tubes running along the ground, under the ground and under water. The US alone has about 5 million kilometers of pipelines, which have about four years worth of total steel consumption for the country embodied in them. Now, of course,…

MaresConnect’s response to consultation on Ofgem’s proposed approach to project delivery delays as part of the timelines and incentives framework applied to the Third Window

31 March 2023 MaresConnect Limited (MCL) welcomes the consultation on Ofgem’s proposed approach to project delivery delays as part of the timelines and incentives framework applied to the Third Window published on 24 February 2023 (the Consultation). We set out below our responses to each of the consultation questions. 1. Do you agree with the…

MaresConnect Interconnector appoints former ESB chief Pat O’Doherty as Chairman

Dublin, 24 October 2022 MaresConnect Limited has announced today that it has appointed the former Chief Executive of ESB, Pat O’Doherty, as Chairman and non-executive Director of its Board. MaresConnect is being developed by Foresight Group’s[1] energy transition fund, Foresight Energy Infrastructure Partners, and Etchea Energy [2]. MaresConnect is a proposed 750MW electricity interconnector linking…

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British Irish Chamber of Commerce


Infrastructure supporting energy security and a low carbon energy future for Ireland and Great Britain