
MaresConnect is a proposed 750MW electricity interconnector linking the Irish and GB electricity transmission networks enabling electricity to be transmitted in both directions between Ireland and Wales.

Project - MaresConnect

The Project

MaresConnect will consist of subsea and underground HVDC electricity cables connecting two converter stations, one in Wales and one in Ireland.

The converter station in Ireland will be located close to an existing EirGrid substation. The selection of the EirGrid substation is subject to an ongoing technical review looking at existing substations in the Greater Dublin Area. The converter station will be connected to the substation by underground HVAC cables.

The converter station in in Wales will be located close to the existing National Grid substation at Bodelwyddan. The converter station will be connected to the substation by underground HVAC cables.

The Objective

The European energy markets face many challenges linked to aging infrastructure, a rapidly changing generation mix and political pressure to arrest climate change. Meeting these challenges requires a significant shift towards renewable energy generation supported by an improved transmission network capable of distributing energy from source to demand centres while ensuring security of supply.

MaresConnect’s objective is to be a part of this transformation through an increase of 750MW of cross border transmission capacity between the electricity networks of Ireland and Great Britain to provide access to cheaper electricity generation in other countries when it is available and support the integration of important but less predictable sources of renewable energy.

The Benefits

MaresConnect will deliver numerous environmental and economic benefits including:

  • Energy Security – Reinforce security of electricity supply
  • Savings – Reduction in wholesale energy prices
  • Net Zero – Integration of green energy in GB and Ireland
  • Jobs – Supporting jobs in construction, operations and maintenance
  • Transmission of Electricity – Equivalent to 570,000 homes
  • Investment – €860m of private capital investment which will benefit Ireland and Wales