Ireland, Belgium and the UK increase their cooperation on interconnection and renewables

The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, along with his Belgian and UK counterparts, Minister Tinne van der Straeten and Andrew Bowie, have signed a Joint Statement in Bruges, Belgium today, which paves the way for greater cooperation on renewables and interconnection opportunities between the three countries. Minister Ryan spoke about how…

MaresConnect Interconnector appoints former ESB chief Pat O’Doherty as Chairman

Dublin, 24 October 2022 MaresConnect Limited has announced today that it has appointed the former Chief Executive of ESB, Pat O’Doherty, as Chairman and non-executive Director of its Board. MaresConnect is being developed by Foresight Group’s[1] energy transition fund, Foresight Energy Infrastructure Partners, and Etchea Energy [2]. MaresConnect is a proposed 750MW electricity interconnector linking…