MaresConnect welcomes positive decision from Ofgem on initial project assessment (IPA)

Dublin, 12 November 2024 Ofgem announced today its minded to decision to award Cap & Floor regulation to the 750MW MaresConnect interconnector project as part of its Initial Project Assessment of the third Cap & Floor application window for electricity interconnectors. Ofgem’s review recognised MaresConnect for its potential to support cross-border energy security, renewable integration,…

Ireland, Belgium and the UK increase their cooperation on interconnection and renewables

The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, along with his Belgian and UK counterparts, Minister Tinne van der Straeten and Andrew Bowie, have signed a Joint Statement in Bruges, Belgium today, which paves the way for greater cooperation on renewables and interconnection opportunities between the three countries. Minister Ryan spoke about how…

HVDC Is The New Pipeline

By Michael Barnard For decades, the world has been moving massive amounts of energy around using steel tubes running along the ground, under the ground and under water. The US alone has about 5 million kilometers of pipelines, which have about four years worth of total steel consumption for the country embodied in them. Now, of course,…

MaresConnect passes Ofgem’s interconnector Third Cap & Floor Window eligibility criteria

Dublin, 28th February 2023 We are pleased to announce that MaresConnect has passed Ofgem’s interconnector Cap & Floor Window 3 eligibility criteria alongside six other projects. MaresConnect will now progress to the next stage which will involve a needs case assessment to determine which projects are in the interests of UK consumers. MaresConnect is expected…

UK National Grid reports busiest January on record for its subsea interconnectors

The five interconnectors, which connect Great Britain with France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway, transported almost 12 per cent more power than in the same period last year, at an average of 91 GWh per day. National Grid reported that a total of 2.6 TWh of power was transported through its cables in January alone,…